"In the ancient times, cavemen used to believe that, by arranging certain rock formation in front of their cave, they can attract pretty cavewomen; only to find out that the monkeys outdo them much better by holding more bananas in their monkey-hand..."
Learn from the experts today with a deal for Joey Yap’s Wealth & Destiny Seminar for RM50 instead of RM128. Held at the Plenary Hall at KL Convention Centre, this seminar is scheduled for Sunday 31st July 2011 from 10am to 5pm.

Founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and international consultant and bestselling author specializing in Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology, Joey Yap teaches participants methods on empowering wealth, career and relationship through the practice of BaZi (Astrology) Profiling and Classical Feng Shui.

Using a simplified process developed by Joey Yap, the profiling system reveals key insights of individual personalities and successful role models to maximize wealth levels, develop career growth and relationship skills.

In this seminar you will also discover how to unlock potential wealth gains based on personality types, develop efficient and competitive organisations, forge strategic partnerships with individuals or organisations for peak performance and explore compatibility of romantic and intimate relationships.
So, hurry, buy this Joey Yap’s Wealth & Destiny Seminar for RM50 instead of RM128 deal now!
So, hurry, buy this Joey Yap’s Wealth & Destiny Seminar for RM50 instead of RM128 deal now!
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